


Sophie Yao

天马科创投 中国区董事总经理


Women In Power访谈节目由主持人Alicia Tien发起,

本次邀请到的重磅嘉宾是来自天马科创投(Pegasus Tech Vnetures)中国区总经理姚晓菲女士。


Q: Can you tell us more about your career path, how would you describe it? 


My career path is sort of complicated and unusual. It’s just like climbing a huge mountain. Overall, I played various roles in different stages: I used to work as Product Manager in Intel, then Marketing Manager in Microsoft, even a “housewife” for a while.

Q:What was the turning point of your career?


The turning point was just after I back to workplace.I met the worst boss in my life: I used to suffer PUA from him who always depreciated women and let me working over time without paying me extra money. At that moment, I started to think what I really want, instead of following others’ orders. Fortunately, I encountered a new job and got the offer through my hardworking study for two weeks. After that opportunity, my career trend went up til now.

我事业的转折点就发生在我回到职场不久之后。我遇见了我人生中最糟糕的上司:坦白来说,我曾经遭受过一段时间的男性职场PUA,我的上司似乎对女性有一种偏见,并且还时常让我无偿加班。在那一刻,我开始思考我真正想要的是什么,而不是遵从别人的意见和指挥。幸运的是,就在我最迷茫的时候,我得到了一个非常令我满意的offer, 虽然过程很艰难,为此我也学习了一段时间,但是从那以后我的职业道路就开始上坡了。

Q: What is your philosophy when choosingdifferent options in life? 


Listen to your heart                       


Differentiate “what you need” from “what you want”                             


“Stay hungry, stay foolish”               


Q:How did your past experience help you as a VC?


I should say every experience will influence your future decision, and every job you participated in will offer different insights for you.



Q: What are the key features of building astrong VC team?


I suggest to find a vertical industry-I mean focusing on it and then analyzing it. More importantly, professional knowledge in this area can help you to build a stronger VC team.


Q:What is your investment thesis, and how isit unique in the China market? 


If it’s in China, you should always pay attention to government policy support, even the policy for the next generation.



Q: What is the common career path of a VC?


Most students study analysis in the universities, then they become investment managers. Of course, they wish they can be qualified to work as the partner in the end, but it doesn’t work like that. It’s way more complex than you think.


Q:It is quite rare to have a female ManagingPartner at VCs, can you share more experience as a woman VC?


Firstly, we should consider why the women VC is so rare in China? Maybe it’s because the outstanding females in the field of technology & science only share a little part, which lead to a low ratio of women VC in this industry. However, women indeed have their unique power in VC industry: they have more empathy than men, which means they are able to have a better understanding with other LPs through the negotiations. Moreover, women usually have eyes for details. They can be more sensitive to those small mistakes in each session.



Q: What are your future plans for PegasusTech, and what do you see yourself doing next?


1. Keep challenging myself and my team members. 不断突破自我,带领团队成员勇往直前。

2. Build my own RMB funds.建立自己的人民币基金。

3. Differentiate co-working model in Chengdu and Xi’an.建立成都和西安的差异化联合办公模式。

4. Help more Chinese start-up companies become internationalized, and promote more foreign startups to enter China market atthe same time.帮助更多中国的创新企业国际化,同时促进更多海外创投企业进入中国市场。

5. Expand buisness toward South Asia start-up market.将业务扩展到东南亚科创投市场。

